Please take a moment to scroll down and read the letters of support and endorsements for Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff. Jon has been endorsed by Boundary County citizens, County Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.  Additionally, retired law enforcement, current law enforcement, fire service personnel, coroner, chaplain, pastor, counselor, and recovery program director, all support VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff.


I had the privilege of working with Jon VanGesen for over 25 years. He is hardworking, kind, and an extremely competent law enforcement officer. Over his distinguished career, Jon rose through the ranks of the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, working in and leading several divisions and specialty units within the agency. With his broad background, Jon is accustomed to handling all aspects of leading a Sheriff’s Office. He makes thoughtful, informed decisions that are rooted in honesty and integrity. Jon is a kind, humble, and respectful leader who will serve the citizens of Boundary County with honor. Jon wants to continue to serve and protect our community he loves. I urge you to vote for Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff.

— John Halsted
retired Police Sergeant, Naples

I have known Jon VanGesen professionally and personally for thirty years. Jon is a constant professional who has served the community through strong leadership, integrity, empathy, and unbiased enforcement. Jon is a loving father and husband. 

Jon VanGesen embodies my expectations as an organizational leader. Jon's skillset and experience make him the ideal candidate for Sheriff. His extensive and diverse law enforcement experience demonstrates his capacity, while his years of leadership demonstrate his competence. Jon understands 21st century policing, liability, and the application of best practice and protection of civil rights. Jon knows how to apprehend and prosecute criminals. 

Therefore, I urge you to Elect Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff. I will testify that your support for Jon will be a great investment for the Sheriff's Office and Boundary County.  

— Troy Tomaras
Chief of Police, City of College Place

Would you like to have a sheriff who has REAL EXPERIENCE?  Someone who has DECADES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE and the knowledge of ALL aspects of a law enforcement agency?   Then JON VANGESEN IS THE RIGHT MAN FOR BOUNDARY COUNTY SHERIFF.  

Jon VanGesen has worked in law enforcement for 35 years, promoting all the way up to Acting Division Chief of the Sheriff’s Department.  He has worked in Patrol, Investigations, multi-jurisdictional Organized Crime, multi-jurisdictional SWAT.  He has been the commander of the investigations unit, the multi-jurisdictional drug task force, the officer involved shooting team, and Internal Affairs.  He has the highest certification of peace officer standards and training. Boundary County has specific crimes that need to be addressed.  Jon VanGesen has the experience and the work ethic to get things done!

Jon VanGesen is very approachable and can work with anyone!  He is willing to meet with the public and hear their concerns.  He has great ideas to take on crime and use untapped resources to get things done.  



--- Steve & Angie Wilkinson 
retired Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, Naples

I am humbled and honored to provide my endorsement to Jon VanGesen to become the next Sheriff of Boundary County.  I have known Jon for over a decade and have had the opportunity to witness his: even approach to law enforcement, servant-leadership style, attention to detail, and community focus in both his professional and personal capacities.  I worked in both law enforcement and the fire service in neighboring Pend Oreille County, Washington for nearly 20 years, before relocating to Kitsap County. Working with Jon as a firefighter/paramedic, and then as the elected coroner of Kitsap County, I have found that Jon embodies all of the attributes of a successful, rural law enforcement leader, paired with the knowledge and experience gained from working and leading in a larger agency.  It is no surprise to me that Jon's leadership abilities, personable demeanor, and his drive to provide a safe and stable environment in his community have become a known asset in Boundary County. I fully endorse Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff, without reservation.

— Jeff Wallis
Firefighter/Paramedic & Elected Coroner

Jon VanGesen is an Excellent Choice for Boundary County Sheriff

Having extensive, first-hand knowledge of Jon’s abilities and the elected Sheriff position being such a critical position, I felt it important to share my opinion.

I retired after over forty-five years in law enforcement serving within two extremely professional departments. I served thirty years with the Washington State Patrol, retiring as a Section Commander, and over fifteen years as Kitsap County Undersheriff for Sheriff Steve Boyer. 

I worked with Jon VanGesen as a deputy, detective and through several promotions, becoming a lieutenant shortly after I retired. I first met Jon when he was a detective assigned to the regional drug task force (WESTNET) in Kitsap County. Jon exceeded everyone’s expectations, becoming a natural leader at the task force.  Jon was key in the successful resolution of our biggest organized crime drug enforcement task force (OCDETF) case. He was promoted to sergeant and once again became the go to person as the shift supervisor leading a third (30 deputies) of our patrol division. His investigative skills and experience made him an obvious choice for a critical assignment managing our Office of Professional Standards (OPS). While conducting all internal investigations was his primary responsibility, he was also tasked with identifying behavioral trends and recommending training and policy updates that would best address them. Jon continually volunteered to work on several specialized positions. He was quick to address a need and was credited with formulating our officer line of duty death procedures and was assistant commander of our SWAT team. After my retirement in 2014, Jon was promoted, serving in patrol and later leading the detective’s section as a lieutenant and acting division chief.

Jon VanGesen’s professional life has prepared him for this role. He has thousands of hours of training specifically focused on supervision, management, leadership, and executive level policing together with years of experience doing the job and doing it well.

While we have experienced turbulent times nationally between a pandemic and the nationwide demands for police reform, it’s critical that we have the right person at the helm of a very complex responsibility. Our outstanding law enforcement personnel deserve that much!

Jon has worked tirelessly to become an excellent law enforcement executive!  Please use your vote to place Jon VanGesen in Office as your next Sheriff!

— Dennis Bonneville
retired Undersheriff, Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, retired Lieutenant, Washington State Patrol

I am pleased to endorse Jon VanGesen for the Sheriff of Boundary County. He will provide the expertise needed for a successful law enforcement agency. I worked with Jon for more than 20 years in various assignments within a sheriff's office. He has a proven passion and commitment to protect and serve all members of the community. His leadership and compassion will be an asset to Boundary County. I encourage you to vote for Jon VanGesen. A positive choice for the citizens of Boundary County!

— Kathleen Chittenden
Investigative Assistant, retired, 49-year law enforcement career


I am writing to provide my endorsement for Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff. I have known Jon VanGesen since he was hired by our office in January of 2021, and have worked with him as a direct supervisor on patrol and also as a colleague during tenure as a detective. Jon is also our Bonner County Sheriff's Office Guild President. 

Jon VanGesen has demonstrated a high level of leadership and professionalism. Jon VanGesen's decades of experience, coupled with his high morals and integrity, make him excellent in leadership. I have had the privilege of interacting with Jon both on and off duty. I have known Jon VanGesen to be a dedicated family man and loyal friend. 

Thank you for taking the time to consider Jon VanGesen for Sheriff of Boundary County. 

— Jordan Thomson
Patrol Sergeant, Bonner County Sheriff's Office, Sagle

I have known Jon VanGesen for 27 years. I know him as a father, husband, and sheriff deputy. 

I turned to Jon for a critical investigation that I needed help with. He conducted himself with integrity throughout this trying process. 

I consider Jon VanGesen to be a person of character and I trust him. If I had to pin the badge on again, I would want him to swear me in. 

— Mike Blair
retired Chief of Staff, Pierce County Sheriff's Office


When I heard that Jon VanGesen was a possible candidate for Sheriff in your area, I was so excited. Id like to take moment to tell you why. My story is unusual, but it ties directly into who Jon is as a man and a law enforcement officer.

I came from a dark past of drugs and crime. I spent twenty plus years as an addict and a criminal in Kitsap County. I got arrested many times and did several years locked up. Throughout that period of my life, I encountered Jon VanGesen many times. He was responsible for getting me off the streets more than once. But Jon is not what I was expecting as a police officer. He always treated me decent regardless of why we were talking. Also, he was not ashamed to share his faith with me and try to steer me in a better direction. I must tell you that it did have an impact on my life.

Not only is Jon a good, fair decent human being, but he is a good cop. You hear things on the street and Jon was always a topic of conversation. People feared him as a law enforcement officer but respected him as a person.

I became a believer in prison and have been clean and out of trouble for many, many years. I am now a pastor, biblical counselor and have started and directed two different Christian recovery programs for addicts in my community.

 Jon and I became friends after my life changes and have worked together on some projects in the community, which by the way he was very involved in as well.  We have continued that friendship to this very day. He has impacted many other people I know as well. I just wanted to take some time to tell you that you have a good opportunity to add an amazing asset to your force over there. You won’t regret choosing him for the job. Don’t miss the boat on this one.


-Lyle Skillman
Pastor, Counselor, and Recovery Program Director

To the Citizens of Boundary County Idaho,

It is my privilege to provide an endorsement for Jon VanGesen for the Office of Sheriff of Boundary County Idaho.  I have known and worked with Jon since 1991, when he first came to work for the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.  I first supervised Jon in mid-1993 while he was assigned as a Patrol Deputy.  Since that time, he worked for me within my areas of responsibility, as a member of the SWAT Team (operator, Sergeant, & Assistant Commander), Narcotic’s Detective, Office of Professional Standards Sergeant (Internal Affairs), and Detective Lieutenant.

I watched Jon grow as a Law Enforcement Professional throughout his career.  Whether it was a misdemeanor, felony, federal or disciplinary investigation, he performed his duties with expertise, dedication, patience, integrity and with empathy for those involved.  Jon took it upon himself to create a countywide Narcan Program for law enforcement agencies, including the County Jail, for the initial responders to use when there is a suspected Opioid overdose.  He also ensured that the Deputies and Officers were recognized for their lifesaving efforts.

When Jon is presented with a task, or new position of responsibility, he works hard to learn the requirements of his assignment and then performs to the best of his abilities.  Jon is not afraid to ask for assistance or guidance if he feels that he needs it, and his decision-making abilities are sound and appropriate. 

Jon puts his family in the forefront, which is one of the reasons that he left our area.  Jon volunteered in our community through his involvement with youth sports, The Rotary Club of South Kitsap, foster children programs, and as a board member for a local community credit union.  

Jon will serve Boundary County well as your Sheriff.



-Dave White
retired Chief of Detectives and Support Services, Kitsap County Sheriff's Office                                                                                          




I have decades of experience working closely with police - - both patrol and detectives, and have observed a lot of law enforcement careers up close. I am Jon VanGesen's uncle and have known him since he was a child. Jon was born to be a law enforcement officer, and that lifelong passion and experience has prepared him well to serve a county as its’ Sheriff. As a kid in high school working at a grocery store, Jon would run down shoplifters and hold them for the police.  Even as a juvenile, Jon assisted police with stings to catch drug dealers.  Before he was old enough to be a sworn officer, Jon was employed as a Community Service Officer by a police department.  As described elsewhere in his website, Jon has gone on to have a career which has been nothing short of stellar, and then his idea of “retirement” was to take a patrol job at the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office where he quickly rose through the ranks.

Jon is a man of strong faith, committed to his family, and committed to the welfare of the greater community.  A vote for Jon VanGesen to be Sheriff of Boundary County is a vote for the experience needed to provide for the safety of the good people of Boundary County.


-Zane Medlen

My name is William Schaibly and I have known Jon VanGesen for the past 23 years both professionally and personally and he is a man of honesty and integrity of the highest caliber. Jon has devoted his life to serving and protecting his fellow citizens and has done so with humility and compassion.  He is a devoted family man and is involved with his community outside of law enforcement.

I met Jon when he was working at the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office in Washington State and I witnessed Jon's steadfast commitment to enforcing the law and most importantly protecting the constitutional rights of the citizens he is sworn to protect without influence from outside sources. 

I retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer from the United States Navy after serving 24 years as Military Police and while I was active duty, I was a Reserve Police Officer and Part-Time Deputy Coroner. Upon retirement from active duty, I was a civilian Police Officer for 13 years and retired in 2021.  I have known many outstanding leaders in both the military and civilian sector and Jon is a leader who sets the example for others to emulate and leads from the front! 

He is committed to the community he serves and lives in.  When Jon retired from KCSO he knew his calling to serve others was not finished and he relocated to the great State of Idaho to begin the next chapter of his life and with the support of his family he continues to serve others as a member of Bonner County Sheriff’s Office. Jon is a leader who will definitely earn the trust and admiration of the citizens of Boundary County as the elected Sheriff!  He will lead the department with Integrity, Honesty and the Commitment to provide the best law enforcement service to the citizens he is sworn to protect serve! 

If I lived in Boundary County I would be proud that Jon Vangesen was the Sheriff and my family and property would be SAFE!


-William Schiably

retired MCPO USN, retired Police Officer





"I seldom agree to provide election endorsements.  In the case of Jon VanGesen, it is a privilege to do so.

I have known Jon for many years when he served with the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office and I served as Sheriff of Pierce County. On several occasions I have consulted him for his expertise and advice.

I value not only his technical knowledge but also his balanced judgments, strong ethical sense and the respect he shows for the law and for the personnel under his command.  He understands that the criminal justice system must be not only fair and just but also strong and effective.  I strongly support his election to the essential office of Sheriff of Boundary County."

Paul A. Pastor

Sheriff of Pierce County Washington, Retired

“I have known Jon since he was a Police Explorer with the King County Sheriff's Office. Having spent 43 years as a police officer and several years as Sheriff, I have no doubt Jon VanGesen has the experience, temperament, knowledge, and ethics to make a great Sheriff for Boundary County. He has my unconditional support."

John Urquhart

King County Sheriff
Washington, Retired

To the Citizens of Boundary County Idaho,

I am writing to support and endorse Jon VanGesen for Sheriff of Boundary County Idaho. I have worked with Jon throughout his entire career at the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO), Washington State. Having personal knowledge of his character, attributes and experiences within law enforcement provides me with confidence he will serve the Citizens of Boundary County well as the elected sheriff.

During his career at KCSO, Jon has attended several training courses, received numerous awards, and worked in a multitude of areas within the agency. The accumulation of these experiences is what has fully prepared him to face the multitude of responsibilities required and the citizen expectations of an elected Sheriff. The Office of Sheriff is a complex and demanding position, one in which Jon has well prepared himself for.

Training and experience is important for this position, and equally if not more important is one’s character and commitment to the position. Jon has not only been a law enforcement professional, he has been a leader and professional in his personal life. where he and his wife April brought foster children into their home. Alongside April, he coordinated several years in bringing foster children together as they planned, coordinated, and hosted many ‘Camp to Belong’ summer camps. His volunteer activities don’t stop there, as he has been active in the ‘Shop with a Cop’ program.

Throughout many years, Jon continued to gain a variety of experiences within the sheriff’s office. I asked him to be a part of our agencies strategic planning. It was vital that his experiences and insights were essential in developing a plan for the immediate and long-term future successes of the agency. Jon also assisted in completing fair and unbiased internal affairs investigations which required taking into consideration all aspects of union contacts, established professional standards and policies while balancing the dynamics of current police practices and expectations. His investigations produced fair and equitable outcomes for employees, the agency, and the citizens we served. I trusted him.

Considering Jon’s experiences, trainings, accomplishments, character, commitment and understanding of what it takes to be an elected Sheriff, I urge you to vote for Jon VanGesen as your next Boundary County Sheriff.


Gary Simpson Kitsap County Sheriff retired

Letter of Endorsement for Jon VanGesen

I write this letter as an endorsement for Jon VanGesen as the Boundary County Sheriff. I came to know Jon as a young law enforcement officer, when I was assigned to assist his team with a complex drug investigation. The investigation involved drug cartels, homicides, and extremely violent felons operating within Jon’s county. During that investigation, it was Jon who took me under wing, showed me how to interview suspects and most importantly, showed me the importance of having a passion for the law enforcement profession. That year was the most important year of my career, as I constantly learned by Jon’s example.

Since that time, I have had the privilege to watch Jon’s career and the positive impact he has had upon so many fellow law enforcement officers and citizens. Jon’s leadership, sound judgement, and compassion for others are what make Jon a superb law enforcement officer and leader within his community. Jon treats a criminal suspect with the same dignity and respect that each and every person deserves and is entitled to. It is Jon’s compassion for his fellow citizens which in my opinion, would make him a superb Boundary County Sheriff.

I have watched Jon, the deputy sheriff, care for and look after convicted felons in order to turn their lives around. He has been a counselor, a mentor and a friend to the same people that he must arrest from time to time. I have never met another law enforcement officer with such a passion for his community and protecting all citizens. Jon does not see color, gender, religion, nor people’s past histories, he only sees his fellow citizens. Jon VanGesen will serve as the Boundary County with utmost enthusiasm and energy.

I am beyond confident that the same positive experiences that I have had with Jon will be shared by everyone that is fortunate enough to meet and work with Jon. Afterall, he is not running for sheriff to promote himself nor his position, Jon is running for Sheriff of Boundary County to improve the community and better serve the citizens. I would like to fully endorse and support Jon VanGesen as the Boundary County Sheriff.

There is no better public servant than Jon VanGesen.

With the Utmost Confidence and Respect,

Errin P. Jewell

U.S. Diplomat, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Jon and I worked together for about 15 years. 

Jon has always been an excellent street cop and investigator, but Jon’s community involvement over the years is even more impressive to me. Jon and his wife, April, have been instrumental in operating Camp to Belong, a weeklong camp designed to reunite siblings separated in foster care. These efforts were highlighted in local tv news and have lifted the spirits of countless kids over the years. He was also an active member of the South Kitsap Rotary and the many programs they offered year round to support our communiuty. Jon has always been a great example for me of how to excel in your professional life and continue to make a positive impact in your community outside of work.

I also consider Jon to be a mentor for me professionally. I have spoken with him many times over the years for advice and he has always found the time for me. He has undoubtedly helped positively impact my career in many ways. Not surprisingly, I have found that my career has mirrored his in many ways, having also gone from Deputy to Narcotics Detective, and then eventually onto supervision.

Jon has the skills and competency to help lead Boundary County as Sheriff and If elected, he will soon have Boundary County in a much better place.

For these reasons, I highly recommend Jon VanGesen to be the next Sheriff of Boundary County. 

Cory Manchester, 
Sergeant, Kitsap County Sheriff's Office


I have worked with Jon on numerous cases over the years. He is a great man, deputy and friend.  Jon is a valuable asset to every community he has served during his 35+ years in law enforcement. He has incredible integrity, grit and tenacity and cares deeply about the citizens in the communities he serves.

Boundary County will be very blessed to have Jon serve as the next Sheriff.

--- Robert Beers
Bonner County Coroner




Want to Endorse Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff?

Join the above citizens, organizations and respected leaders in supporting Jon by providing your endorsement below!

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VOTE: May 21, 2024

Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff 

P.O. Box 1811 | Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 | (208) 295-9720

The views expressed on this website are my own and do not reflect the opinions of Bonner County.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jon VanGesen Boundary County Sheriff, Jackie Rogers Treasurer.
© September2023 VanGesen4Sheriff

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